Publications The following article appeared in the March/April 1996 issue of Association Leadership ALL
OF US ARE SMARTER THAN ANY OF US... O f course, that's why we join associations, have committees, form boards, and create a variety of work groups. A team makes possible, what would be impossible, if we acted all alone.Team building is an endless task and, done well, it only makes our jobs and our organization better, easier, and more effective. Done poorly...well, we have all had lots or learning experiences with that. When cutting wood we need to keep our tools sharpened, when leading an organization, we need to be continually honing our people skills. The family is the first place we learn about working and living with others. Many of us began our careers very early there and we just keep on refining our skills in larger arenas. The great saw sharpener himself, Steven Covey, could have written, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Team Builders. He had to he a team builder, he had nine children. First things first, means chat with every new hire and every new addition to any of our committees, we need people who complement us. We also need to compliment them. It takes all kinds to make a world or an association that really works- Just like a table that needs four legs to stand with stability; we need complementary workstyles so we can truly use our strengths and make up for our deficiencies. If we are looking at the big picture we need people around us who can take care of details. When we are usually asking what or who, it helps to have others on board figuring out how and why. As we create the game plan.. we need those that refine it, and others who are willing to implement the program. One tool that I have found extremely helpful in building organizations is the Personal Profile System, a plan for understanding yourself and others in a specific environment. As everyone on a team begins to identify what they need for success; they also begin to understand their coworkers' needs strengths, and even appreciate their differences. This greater understanding and acceptance helps to minimize conflict, improve communication, and maximize productivity. The staff begins naturally to do what fits their workstyle and to treasure their diversity. You see, we all do everything, we just do it differently. You may be the executive director or chief paid, but the first impression of your association to your membership, the media, or the public is made by your receptionist, or possibly, your answering service- You may have a director or member services, however, their work is greatly impacted or enhanced by the way your CFO handles the dues. In that way, everything we do affects us all. In one of the finer associations I know of, it is the receptionist's job to answer the phone on the first ring, on the second ring it is everyone's job. Now that's first class member service. So when your players really know what their job is, and how it impacts on everyone else's, they can work and play to the best of their ability. As the coach (and that's only one of your many positions) thats what you want. We need to place people where we can use their greatest strengths and they can make up for our weaker areas. Have them do what gives them the greatest satisfaction, and you'll enjoy the benefits. Because team. building is building people when you see your team succeeding, you succeed.As a team leader it sometimes helps to know "you cant motivate people," because people do things for their own reasons, not yours. The truth is, all people are motivated, and when you know what moves someone, you can help them perform to the best of their ability. When our people, know our mission, and they choose to buy into it., our chances of success are greatly enhanced. Our team always needs to know what the goal is, how we will score, and what that success will mean. Whether it's more members, bigger conferences, legislation passed, greater member satisfaction, award winning newsletters, advanced skills training, or whatever your goals may be. You need to communicate that to your team, so they become their goals too. In many sports only one person puts the ball over the goal line, or through the hoop, or into the net, while everyone on the bench and in the stands is on their feet cheering. Success isn't possible, or nearly as easy without the support of everyone. Fans, coaches, trainers, cheerleaders, the defense, the line, spotters, and recruiters - we all need to do our part for the team to succeed. Everyone needs to know their importance and where they fit in, how they count. Remember: you arx a kxy pxrson. So is everyone on your staff and in your association, because all of us are smarter than any of us, "This is a football," Vince Lombardi used to say every year at the first practice session. Well this is a team. Look around your association - whether you have a large staff or an intimate tight knit little groups or even if you outsource every other task you have - it's still a team. Your other teams are your membership, your board, and all those committees that you get to be on ex officio. You might get to play a different position on different teams. Leader or follower, coach or cheerleader, offense or defense, it's important to know your position. We improve our value by actually being good in many positions, by cross training, although still allowing for specialists to perform their jobs. If you want to win, get winners and help them expand on their God given talents. Make sure everyone knows their position and how they contribute to our success, let them know, that in a way, everyone is responsible. It is my job and we can do it together. You Anx A Kxy Pxrson Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works vxry wxll xxcxpt for onx kxy. You would think that with all thx othxr kxys functioning propxrly, onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy out of whack sxxms to ruin thx wholx xffort. You may say to yoursxlf Wxll, Im only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if I dont do my bxst. But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx to bx xffxctivx an organization nxxds activx participation by xvxry onx to thx bxst of his or hxr ability. So thx nxxt timx you think you arx not important, rxmxmbxr my old typxwritxr. You arx a kxy pxrson. (Source: Pasadena Weekly Journal) |
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